A new state consciousness is necessary to reverse factionalism and the decay of public institutions.
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Cryptoassets allow people to bypass capital controls and exit expropriation. This may lead to more global migration among the upper and upper-middle classes, and conflict with rooted communities and local states.
The Botswanan elite have prudently handled the succession problem, potential rival power centers, Cold War tensions, and ethnic politics. This has allowed Botswana to defy troubles that would otherwise result in a basket case state.
Critics see Viktor Orbán’s semi-illiberal Christian democracy as a new opponent of liberalism. But Hungary has always stood on the edge of the Western order. Rather than destroying European institutions, Orbán is attempting to change the terms of their political deal.
For decades, stability in the Balkans has depended on American support. A new Kosovo deal is set to have ripple effects across the region’s ambitious nationalist governments. With the Trump administration desiring withdrawal, the region is on the brink of renewed conflict.
Middle Eastern Christians have been decimated by years of conflict. Now, they are participating in broad and unusual coalitions, even with Bashar al-Assad and groups like Hezbollah. These alliances will define politics for a generation.
Gustav Hilger, a today little known World War II statesman, exerted enormous influence on U.S. architects of the post-war international order, demonstrating the pragmatic hidden behind liberal values.
Japan is anxious over China’s rise and America’s decline. It is reinventing itself to maintain autonomy, but the nationalist Japanese government is having to make do without a cooperative emperor. It may be too little, too late.
Forget about AI. There is a much more alarming type of intelligence arising in the oceans beneath us. Most people don’t even know about it. Without a solution, humanity will be overwhelmed.
Machine learning in the judicial system doesn’t have issues with bias. But it can barely keep up with Mechanical Turk workers, suffers from data pollution feedback loops, and distorts the incentives around crime.
Over the last decade, Turkey has decisively pulled out of the Western order, which has come at significant financial cost. Palladium explored Istanbul to see what life looks like in the post-globalization era.
Bernard-Henri Lévy has spent his life creating a brand of intellectualism and adventure. This contrasts with the liberal fear of personalist politics in favor of regulated institutions. Lévy’s comfortable position in the establishment depends on his role as a safety valve for the romantic storytelling which drives politics.
Venezuela, plagued by an incompetent and corrupt ruling class, doesn’t have what it takes to be a socialist state. The Palladium team visited Venezuela and Colombia for an up-close look at a country in free fall and harrowing stories from refugees who have fled.
Cypherpunks and gun advocates are trying to make gun control impossible by using one part of the state against itself.
During Britain’s early industrial revolution, wages stagnated as productivity accelerated, resulting in radical movements and social conflicts. As technology reshapes industries today, the lessons of this period can help us navigate modern political tumult.
After the Soviet collapse, several countries in the bloc ended up under Western influence. Russia has developed an economic and military toolkit to consolidate its position. However, these same tactics have caused key allies to seek alternative ties in order to balance power in the post-Soviet sphere.
The state faces the challenge of grappling with centralized social media companies as distinctly political entities. These companies may need to be replaced by decentralized social infrastructure that is less politically and socially problematic.
China’s global influence has largely expanded through economic mega-projects. However, the role of culture and soft power was essential to its historic prominence. Its growing economic strength must be understood through this lens.