Tea Törmänen and Marco Visscher join Ash Milton to discuss their recent article and the difference between degrowth and ecomodernism.
Category Archive: Podcasts
Jesse Velay-Vitow joins Ash Milton to discuss how recent geopolitical realignments, energy crises, and migration patterns will shape the course of the twenty-first century.
Dylan Levi King joins Wolf Tivy to discuss his featured 07 article on North Korean environmentalist policies, Japanese whaling, and the ecotheology that undergirds them.
Ash Milton joins Alexander Gelland to discuss his recent article on the life of the Abbé Henri Gregoire, a priest who was one of the leaders of the French Revolution.
Matthis Bitton joins Ash Milton to discuss his 05 article on state centralization under Charles de Gaulle, the institutional history of French liberalism, and how a nation is built.
Nicolas Villarreal joins Ash Milton to discuss his 05 article on how capitalist giants use socialist cybernetic planning, cybernetic methods of organizing supply chains, and their impact on the worker.
Charles Smith joins Alexander Gelland to talk about his 05 article on posthumanism, where legitimacy comes from, and the unutilized power of digital communities.
Erik Hoel joins Ash Milton to discuss the current state of education, how it succeeded aristocratic tutoring, and what it means for progress.
Dylan Levi King joins Ash Milton to discuss his 05 article on the cult of Jiao Yulu and China’s convergence with Western technocracy.
Fin DePencier joins Ash Milton from Ukraine to report on events in Kharkiv and discuss what Russia’s actions mean for other countries in its sphere of influence.
Richard Hanania joins Ash Milton to discuss Ukraine, Russia, and what really drives U.S. foreign policy.
Charles Coulombe joins Ash Milton to discuss the rise and fall of the WASP ruling class and what we can learn from it.
Samo Burja joins Wolf Tivy to discuss his Palladium 04 article on how rising classes become new elites.
Avetis Muradyan joins Ash Milton in Brazil to discuss his Palladium 04 article on crime. Other topics included favelas, frontiers, and how one learns to be human.
Wolf Tivy and Ash Milton discuss Palladium 04, which launches in Winter 2021. The theme is Cultivating Elites.
Both China and the West are embracing scientific population management driven by digital technologies. Why have they given up on mobilizing their populations?
Geremie Barmé joins Ash Milton to discuss his experiences in China during the Cultural Revolution and what prior upheavals can teach us about the Xi era.
For several centuries, life has become increasingly monitored, legible, and uniform. Can we endure our centralized societies?