Our governments will fail to respond effectively to climate change. A new world order will arise through the coming period of climate chaos.
Early liberal thinkers did not just propose a philosophy, but a type of regime. When power acts with liberality, the result is a stronger society of dynamic individuals.
The late Qing scholar Yan Fu saw liberalism as a grand project to create virtuous people and a dynamic society. His ideas failed in China, but could succeed in America.
The GameStop rebellion started and ended as an outburst. The coordinated deals behind power prevent it, and most rebellions, from ever achieving more.
A journey through Armenia reveals a country on Russian life support. With Azerbaijan and Turkey in ascendency, the country’s lack of allies is its most existential threat.
Industrial visionaries tend to have chaotic and disruptive personalities. Their goals don’t neatly fit the social ladder. But societies that make room for them reap immense rewards.
Humans are irreversibly reshaping Earth, and neither degrowth nor green energy tweaks will stop it. In the long run, we will have to use our power to create a thriving garden planet.
In the early 1990s, the UN intervened in Cambodia in a show of liberal democratic state-building. Its failures foreshadowed the hubris which would follow the liberal world order from Yugoslavia to Afghanistan.
Mike Solana joins Wolf Tivy to discuss how San Francisco’s governance works, how it has gone wrong, and what he thinks it would take to fix it.
Sociologist and design theorist Benjamin H Bratton discusses how our ongoing technologically-driven terraforming will remake the world order, and how technology reveals and creates human destiny as much as enabling it.
Wolf Tivy and Ash Milton discuss accumulative versus developmental orientations to industry, and the necessity of a class with interests beyond individual finance.
The biggest threat to America’s world order is not China, but the country’s own deepening dysfunction. Its grand strategy must go beyond containment and transform the basis of U.S. power.
Wolf Tivy and Ash Milton discuss Charlie Smith’s recent piece on posthumanism and its implications. Other topics include the ways in which a complex society impacts our agency, why the idea of discourse is a mind virus, and thinking of humanity as a hypothesis for life.
As neoliberal reforms broke the back of American labor, they also created a growing class of small business owners. Now, that class has come back to haunt both big business and the establishment which created them.
America’s China hawks paint the country as an economic, geopolitical, and military danger. In reality, China is less a threat to America itself than it is to the legitimacy of U.S. ruling ideology.
Wired magazine founder and technologist Kevin Kelly discusses why technology has agency, why he believes in God but not destiny, and how to be an anti-utopian optimist.
Observers regularly predict the U.S. dollar’s collapse as the global reserve currency. In reality, history shows that currency dominance is one of the most enduring forms of hegemony.
Wolf Tivy and Galen Wolfe-Pauly discuss what’s wrong with social media and computing as we know it, as well as a new paradigm for humane computing.